
Peter (Pete) Degan of Rockwood, at the age of 51 years, died peacefully after an arduous journey related to health on the evening of August 29, 2019.
His obituary can be found here and here.
Pete was a big shooter, both in frame and spirit. So big that “bigshooter” was part of his email address.
As an organizer, Pete was the first Chief Range Officer of the “Independent Defensive Pistol League” starting in 1996, one of the three founders of ODPL starting in 2007, a founder of Team Hoser in 2009, and gave his time to consult with the CLAS-H rules as of 2019. Pete trained hundreds of shooters in holster use and other aspects of shooting, and was the Match Director or a Range Officer of countless competitions. He was a certified instructor in multiple disciplines.
As a competitor and shooter, Pete enjoyed PPC, IDPA, IPSC, CAS, three-gun and more.
As a “shooting buddy”, friend and colleague, Pete brought a ready and pointed wit, a relentlessly positive attitude, and a rock-ribbed reputation for fairness. His nickname of “Procedural Pete” was well-earned, the product of a sharp eye, a desire to apply the rules evenly, and an understanding that shooting safely was paramount. Pete was always ready to assist willing new, and experienced, shooters by drawing on his vast well of experience, common sense and training.
Pete’s constant smile and hearty laughter is sorely missed. His presence will echo across the shooting community for many years to come.